Delectable Copywriting
For the Food and Beverage Spaces
Marketing for your business has never been sweeter. Let’s work together to attract more customers to your business. Together, we can get your business to flourish and stand out in the industry.
Food sells itself, right?
Or does it?
In today’s marketing whirlwind, you’ll need a sharp edge to entice people to visit your website or purchase your food and beverage products. With Target Market Research, SEO keywords, and deliciously good copy, you’ll go from distasteful to delectable. I’ll have customers eating out of your hands in no time.
“Success is liking yourself,
liking what you do,
and liking how you do it.”
— Maya Angelou
Services and Pricing
A landing page is where a potential client will land when they click a link in one of your ads, on your website, or in an email. The landing page explains the specific item you are offering and lets you buy, sign up, or enroll.
2,000 - 4,000 words: $3,000 - $10,000
500 - 2,000 words: $1,000 - $2,000
50 - 500 words: $450 - $1,000
Web design is important but can be a lot to balance with normal business activities. I can assist you with creating and/or maintaining your website. It will help you free up time to focus on your clients.
Squarespace Websites:
5 pages or more: $3,000
3 to 4 pages: $2,000
1 to 2 pages: $1,000
Monthly Website Maintenance: $500
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) uses keywords to help your blog show up higher in Google. It can help your blog become a top search result, which helps you become a trusted authority in your space.
Starting at $200 for 1,000 word blogs
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) uses keywords to help your site show up higher in Google. It can help your site become a top search result, which in turn helps you to become a trusted authority in your space.
800 - 1000 Word page with a 2-page minimum or 1,600 word minimum: $300
Some sites have products or services available to customers. Each product needs a description that explains the product and why the client should buy it. I can also optimize product descriptions for search engines as well.
$50 - $250, depending on the item for sale
An email sequence is a series of emails that you send to your subscribers. Emails aren't optimized for Google. But, they can include a sales funnel with the final email including a call to action. The emails will hook the customers causing them to click the link and complete the action or sale.
3-Email Minimum: $50 - $150 per email in sequence
So many people are on social media today, and using it to advertise your business is smart business. Packages are available to help you reach audiences that are perfect for your business.
2 - Ad minimum per package: $50 - $150 + Royalties per ad
Need me on retainer?
Retainer packages are available upon request.
Contact me.
If you have questions about my services or copywriting in general, please feel free to email me at
You can also call me on my business line by calling (401) 358-4481.
I will return all calls and emails within 24 to 48 hours.